Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Dashiell exits the store, fumbling for his car keys in his pants pocket while focussed on licking his organic licorice ice cream. He finds the keys and pushes the button to turn off the alarm. A morose warble like the cry of a pink flamingo in a futile struggle to escape the jaws of an alligator is heard. He stops, only now noticing a crowd of people ogling on the sidewalk. He gapes as his arms slowly drop to his sides. A monster 4x4, emblazoned "Godzilla", is parked on top of the remains of his Prius. As his lips quiver the scoop of ice cream falls from the cone and plops onto the cobblestones at his feet, splattering his blue loafers.

- Inspired by this Bad Astronomy post, via Hadyn.